Social Etiquette & Common Sense

“It’s okay lah, we won’t get it.”

It’s not okay, and it isn’t up to luck if you become a carrier of this elusive and highly contagious virus. It boils down to discipline and social distancing. As much as we Singaporeans love to make a joke out of everything, this should not be taken lightly and it is a responsibility each and everyone of us should be held accountable for. The lack in self-discipline and consideration for others have consequences in real life. We have to work as one for this virus to be eradicated ASAP.

Cheap travels and impulsive thrills have no recourse when sh*t hits the fan, when situations reach a stalemate. And FYI- there is no glory in sharing your travels on social media in times like that because honestly nobody cares. And we’d probably be hating you for being a selfish human, for being an ambassador of this fine country bringing risk to other nations and when returning home. You effectively become extra baggage and unnecessary stress to an already weary healthcare system.

We need this to be over sooner before many people start losing their jobs, hard earned monies, careers, families and the vicious cycle you’d already know about. Start by reminding people around you. And if you’ve got self-entitled individuals as friends who somehow acquired sufficient intestinal fortitude to stomach the guilt of slowing down a nation’s recovery from this pandemic, talk some sense into him/her or maybe he/she shouldn’t even be friends with you for being a nasty human.

We can tide through this as one. If we become one. It’s a choice and a conscious effort.

Sean Lim