Tides & Decisions

Good morning world, this is Sean, one of the Co-Founders of Mojo Singapore. I have made a decision to start a blog to break down the barriers between clients and the company, to give you an insight into what’s happening and how we are dealing with this worldwide pandemic- & hopefully better news in months to come when this blows over.

2020 has barely started and it feels like the world has come to a standstill. When I shared my vision with our team during the Christmas gathering just a few months ago, I spoke with zest and was confident that the year to come will only be a stronger one. One that will allow each and every team member to progress in their careers, one that will enable the brand to be further recognized, a year of fruitful challenges. Its almost like someone pulled the handbrakes in a fast moving vehicle and the only saving grace was that we were all strapped in. The months to come will be a true litmus test of will, grit & leadership. The fear of failure looms and in these times, unpopular decisions need to be made.

In late 2019, my Co-Founders and I decided that Mojo has to pivot its business and focus on catering in 2020 as part of a 3 year plan. To build a corporate focused brand and put in the effort, investments and hours to enable longevity and growth. The team grew from a lean 5 people crew to more than double it’s size in less than a year. We were all pushing hard as one. In the past months, business has fallen more than 80% and we are operating with a skeleton crew to reduce any further losses. To tide through this inconsolable situation, it hurts to see the team shrink, to make difficult decisions to have good team members not have much to do, to have the time to do a blogpost like this- I never had the time to even sit down for a coffee back in 2019 when we hustling. Corporate catering, home catering, wedding catering, grazing tables, bentos and more- these are inevitably impacted with the serious stance of social distancing and BCP initiatives in place.

Show your support, help us tide through these trying times.

Work that Mojo,


Sean Lim